Abdominal Training for the Perfect Swing
- Jon Ham

 Jon Ham

Strong abdominals are vital in ensuring a strong low back, as well as a stable, consistent golf swing. The abdominal muscles, which are a major part of the “core,” are heavily involved in trunk rotation, posture, and balance. Strengthening the abdominals help facilitate good posture and provide numerous benefits to your golf game, namely increased accuracy, decreased low back problems, enhanced balance, and longevity of your game.

There are numerous ways to strengthen the abdominals, one great tool being the stability ball. Anything you do on the ball is going to require balance and activation of the abdominals just to avoid falling off the ball! I use the ball in every one of my training sessions and seminars. If you want to train your abdominals, the stability ball is a must have!

A great exercise for strengthening your abdominals is the abdominal curl, or crunch on the ball. To do this, sit on the ball and walk forward until you are lying nearly flat on the ball, with your low to mid back resting on the ball. Keeping your head up (look at the sky), tighten your abs and pull yourself up 15 to 45 degrees (this will vary depending on your strength and flexibility).
A few key points: 1. on the eccentric phase of the exercise (when you lay back down), try not to lay all the way down and arch over the ball- only lower yourself until you are almost flat. Go slowly and have your abs tightened the entire time. 2. To make balance more of a factor, do this exercise with your feet together. This makes it much more difficult. 3. Be sure to keep your head straight by looking up at the sky. If not, you can risk injury from pulling on your neck.
