A Good Swing Begins With Good Footwork
- Bob E. Smith

Positioning of your feet at address to create proper balance is the starting point for a good golf swing.

The left foot should not be turned out too much because it can lead to a reverse pivot. The left foot (for right-handers) should be positioned to allow the left knee to turn behind the ball at the top of the back swing. The position also allows you to return to the finish position with 100 percent balance on the left foot.

The right foot is just as important. You may turn your right foot out slightly to help your back swing and turning of the body. If you sway to the outside of your right foot at the top of the back swing, I suggest keeping the right foot at 90 degrees to the target line.

This will allow you to feel pressure on the instep of the right foot at the top of the swing which is what you are looking for.

Whatever position feels best for your right foot, remember nothing good comes from a straight right leg at the top of the swing. Turn your foot out or in and always maintain flex in the knee.

A great foundation leads to balance. With balance, you find rhythm and tempo.
