A Hip Stretch For Your Lower Back
- Jon Ham

Along with the hamstrings, an area that many people overlook when it comes to stretching are the hip flexors, specifically a muscle called the Iliopsoas. The Iliopsoas are responsible for leg flexion, the movement that occurs when you lift your leg in front of your body. When your iliopsoas muscles get tight they pull on the low back, contributing to an “anterior pelvic tilt.” Over time, this leads to bad posture and yes, low back pain. This tendency is commonly associated with weak abdominals as well. Yet another reason to train your core!

A great way to stretch your iliopsoas is by performing a kneeling hip flexor stretch. Simply kneeling on one knee, sit up straight and tall while keeping your abdominals tight. Slowly push your hips forward while maintaining tight abdominals. You should feel a stretch (usually a burning sensation) in the front of your hip and down the front of your quad on the leg whose knee is on the ground. Be sure not to “bounce” while performing this stretch, but rather hold the stretch for 30 seconds. As with anything, consistency is key! If your hip flexors are tight, you should be doing this stretch at least once a day.

Regular stretching of the hip flexors is one of the many ways you can keep your low back in tip top shape. Keep checking my columns for other healthy low back tips!

For more information, check out my website at http://www.fitnesstrainingbyjon.com/programs_golf.htm or call me at 818-577-5641
