Backswing A Key Fundamental For Better Drives
December 1, 2004 - Brad Benkey
 Brad Benkey

The key to hitting longer and straighter drives is being able to make a full release through impact and finish your swing with most of your weight on the outside of your left heel.

In order to get this to happen, the club must be in front of you, rather than getting stuck behind you. Being stuck means the club falls behind the body. In other words, the body outraces the golf club on the downswing.

A proper backswing is where it all starts. The backswing starts from the ground up. Keep in mind the clubhead moves first. Try to make sure your hips and shoulders don't start turning too soon. The feeling you get is that the clubhead pulls your hips and shoulders back to complete the backswing.

Once this is accomplished, you're in position to let it go.

On the downswing, it is very important your hips do not outrace your arms.

The key is being patient so you can make a full release and finish with the majority of your weight on the outside of your left heel.