A Good Swing Begins With The Proper Grip
May 11, 2005 - Lee Martin

Your only communication with the golf club is with your hands, so the better your grip is, the better communication you will have with the clubhead during your swing

I think the most important part of the swing is how you grip the club.

When you place your left hand on the grip (right hand for left-handers) hold on to the grip with the last three fingers and the heel of your hand with enough pressure to control the club throughout your swing. On a scale of 1 to 10, the pressure should be about 7 or 8.

The right hand should be placed on the club so that you are holding on to the club with the middle two fingers applying the most pressure, but not as much pressure as with the left hand.

On a scale of 1 to 10, the pressure will be about 5 or 6. The left thumb should fit in the fold of your right hand and be in a position of 1 o'clock on the grip with your right thumb placed at 11 o'clock so that the palm of your right hand faces the target when you are at the address position.

It is very important that you grip the club correctly, because whatever position your hands are in during your swing, that is the position the clubface will be in.

If your grip is too strong at address, the clubface will be closed at impact and the ball will go left. If your grip is in a weak position at address, you will slice the ball to the right.

Understanding how your hands work during the swing will give you more consistent and solid shots.
