A Wider Stance First Key To Hit Driver Longer
March 30, 2005 - Joe Buttitta

The driver is one club you should not finesse if you want maximum distance. It requires the longest swing in the bag. The driver swing should also feature the widest swing arc of any other club.

To produce a wider arc, start by widening your stance by placing your feet just outside the hips. Your lower body will resemble an A-frame structure.

This will provide a more stable base from which to produce speed. In golf, speed translates into power.

Once the stance is wide, make sure to get enough shoulder rotation. During the backswing try to rotate the lead shoulder (left shoulder for right-handers) so that it points slightly behind the ball.

Flexibility here is important. At this point the big muscles of your torso/back should be on maximum stretch. This is like pulling the rubber band on a slingshot.

The downswing is then more of a reaction to the stretching muscles. Before trying this make sure to limber up first.

Then swing a few times without worrying where the ball goes. Be a free swinger, then polish the grip and technique to keep those newfound powerful drives in play.
