A Relaxed Grip Will Naturally Extend Left Arm
April 7, 2004 - Bob E. Smith

 Bob E. Smith

If you look at photographs of some of the top players, or watch them swing on television, you will see they have a straight left arm.

Some people believe when the left arm is straight, it can help create a source of both power and accuracy for the golfer. Because of that belief, many students have been told to keep his or her left arm straight.

In truth, straightening the left left arm may have a negative effect on the golf swing because it causes a tensing of the arm.

By doing it, the player is actually hyperextending his or her arm, something that interferes with the natural extension and introduces both tension and rigidity into the swing.

The left arm will extend on its own if the grip is relaxed during the swing. Centrifugal force and inertia will extend the muscles naturally.

With proper transfer of 75 to 80 percent of the player's weight on the backswing to the back foot and over the right hip, with proper balance you will have all the extension you need.
